To give a quick update since my last blog entry I did find teaching job in St. Louis after student teaching. I became a reading specialist for intermediate grade levels 3rd-5th. It was a wonderful experience. The kids were from all around the world; Bosnia, Spain, Uzbekistan, Iran, and even a pair of siblings who considered themselves Gypsies. I met some great teachers at that school. So many were young and easy to relate to (besides all being married). After the school year ended I worked for the same district as a 3rd grade teacher. It was a marvelous 4 weeks. I had my own classroom, made my own lessons, used my own books and supplies! Very exciting for me.
I returned home. Unfortunately I did not place a classroom teaching job here, mainly because I tried so hard in Nebraska when I didn't have a license in NE yet, long story and wasted time. However, the school year started and a few weeks into the school year I became a paraprofessional at a school in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I stayed there until February when I landed a dream job TEACHING ENGLISH in TAIWAN to Kindergarteners! I leave in 27 days. I have one last trip to Yellowstone National Park with my Grandma Lamp and cousins Riley and Spencer ( I lived with them in St.Louis) and then I am off!
I plan to post a blog entry at least once a week for anyone back home who is interested in hearing of my stories, memories, and all the changes I will go through on my adventure to Taiwan. Have a great Summer. -KS