From becoming scuba certified to the Jazz Festival to Halloween; an update on the adventures Taiwan never fails to bring.
Dome of Light in the Main Station of Kaohsiung. |
By the end of my first month back in Taiwan, I earned my open-water scuba diving certification. Seeing as my certification date was August 31, you can tell I've not kept up-to-date entries, again. Anyways...
Fulong Beach, first camping on the beach in Taiwan! |
A new teacher to Taiwan this year, Karl, joined me when I reached out looking for a scuba buddy. I was thrilled to have a scuba buddy who was just as excited as me. It was also nice to have a man-friend since our group has been overruled by woman since day one. We met our instructor, Nigel, and his intern, Paul, at a large indoor swimming pool in Taipei. Here we watched videos, began lessons, I asked a million questions, and on day two we finally got to work with the gear and get in the water!
Look at me, I'm neutral buoyancy! |
We learned skills in oral inflation, buoyancy, ascending and descending procedures, equalization, hand signals, mask clearing, proper maintenance of equipment (BCD, regulators, tanks, weights), and then the best part, we got to free dive in the pool for another 35-40 minutes or so. Karl had brought his GoPro and took some videos of our free time.
Karl and I "Unda the Sea." |
The following weekend was the real test. Karl and I took a late train, between 3-4 hours, to Fulong Beach on the NE coast of Taiwan. We spent the entire train ride completing our Open Water Diver Manual.
Day 1: Dive 1: We were in the water for about 34 minutes, visibility wasn't the best and it didn't help we were with a large group of newbies all kicking sand around. Following our instructors rule of, always stick with your buddy, I tended to fall back waiting for Karl as he took videos and pictures with his GoPro. Turned out to be the best decision of the dive! On our way in, I spotted a giant SEA TURTLE! I was more excited than a kid meeting Santa Claus. I got the attention of Karl and Paul quick enough so they caught a glimpse, but not enough time for anyone to get a photo. Dive 2 was in the same location, I saw puffer-fish, crabs, clown-fish, angelfish, lion-fish, and many others I don't know the names of. The furthest we dove was 18 meters on day one.
Nigel says I'm happier underwater, I think he's right. |
One of many Lion-fish we spotted! |
Day 2: Dive 3: A different location, we actually went through an underwater tunnel to get to the open water. I spotted a single jellyfish being picked at by fish, a trumpet fish (personal favorite), dozens of crabs, few puffers, a couple starfish, and a sea slug! On our last dive we practiced using the compass and finding our way back underwater. I really enjoyed this dive because we went along the sandy ocean floor instead of being over rocks. We took the train back with Paul and the another guy who was being certified. The entire way back we played /dow low err/'Big Ol' Two,' a Taiwanese card game I learned from a non-Taiwanese.
Through the month of August I was working 11 hour days. I had my students, just for longer periods of time and every day. The regular school year started in September. I spend 3 hours with my Grade 1 Mon, Wed-Friday. I teach my Grade 3 for two hours Mon, Wed-Thurs. Yes, you read correctly, I have no school on Tuesdays!
I started taking Yoga classes with an incredible young lady named Jessie, who has now gone to India to take her art of yoga skills even further. I have been spending my free Tuesday's biking around, getting to know craft stores in the area, new places to eat, as well as the library. ( The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck is extremely good for any interested in Chinese Historical Fiction.)
Michelle and I went to ColorPlay for the second year in a row, this time inviting Kelly and Brittany to join. It is 98% Taiwanese people, but man do they know how to have a good time. Music, color, dance, color, food, fest, color, drinks, dance, color. This year it was great to have it in our own city!
Let the fun begin!! |
Making friends @ ColorPlay in Taichung! |
Britt and I only 15 minutes in. |
I did my second public Cultural Center event for any parents/children that want to come. It's basically like the children stories public libraries do in the states. Free for them, and it involves a lesson, song, group activity, and some sort of individual craft or skill. I read The Mixed up Chameleon, and had a great turn out. Even a few of Cornel's kids and parents showed up to support.
On the subject of my students, I am completely in love with my Grade 1 Fireflies. I am blessed with 14 incredibly smart kids, and they're amazing writers, too. I have a mix of shy and sweet, wild and unpredictable of course, but overall they always brighten up my day. The majority of them are so eager to learn and challenge me by soaking up all I teach them and ask for more. I miss them all the time. I love to give them new writing topics, even when it means more grading on my part, because their stories are that incredible.
They've written about their siblings
, grandparents, how they can help others, Chinese New Year, pandas, dinosaurs, pirates, daytime, and a whole mix of narrative and non-fiction. Another huge bonus to grade 1 is having outdoor play twice a week!
How about a little baseball?! |
My Grade 3 Avengers also know how to pull on my heart strings, however they can also 'grind-my-gears.' With 19 students, 2/3 of them boys, in a two hour time period there is always so much to do in so little time. Seat placements are changed regularly, I am currently using 3 different behavior systems, which on any given day all three systems could have zero effect on a few of the boys. However, they are also incredibly smart. I enjoy their writing as well, they're written about having their own banquet, a rain forest animal of my choosing, the year 2050, and others.
I did get to meet a majority of the parents for both classes at the Open House earlier this month. So many questions and translations, it will be nice to sit down for individual conferences in November.
The new teachers offered many changes to our group as a whole this year. Already the majority of us have gotten together for game days. We've all spent an evening at a local pub, Fisherman's Warf, and then Tiger City arcade brought us all together again for another night of games and laughter. These whole group activities are really great to have this year, and it's where many of our true colors show.
The gang having our first game night. |
Another event we all compiled and went to was Biahua's annual BBQ to welcome the new teachers, and more importantly show 'face.' I won't go into much on this because my opinions aren't exactly blog-worthy. It was nice that she took us on a walk through her neighborhood, told us about an earthquake that had changed the environment, and we met a very sweet 94-year old man who invited us all in for tea.
New roommate, Nine, myself, & old roomie Kelly! |
THEE Whole Gang, Biahua, & a baby. |
Kelly, Brittany, and I took a magic school bus ride south to Tainan for an outdoor musical festival the last weekend of September. Tainan is rich in history and at the time, dozens of sand sculptures were on display.

The following weekend a new acquaintance of mine, Sergio (Colombia) and I attempted to conquer Monkey Mountain, a little further south in Kaohsiung. After half a dozen dead end trails we came upon the Shou Shan Zoo where I saw my first Formosan bear, a Hornbill, and some incredibly aggressive monkeys among many others.
Over the harbor in Kaohsiung. |
Taking a rest after climbing our 5th or 6th flight of stairs to nowhee. |
Shou Shan Zoo with Serge |
Hornbill |
Formosan Bear, only bear native to the island.
Has a light sun spot on his back. |
Many, many times you will see Taiwanese couples
with the same shoes, hats, or jacket. This is one of the
first times catching a whole matching outfit. #Trendy |
Afterwards, we walked towards the harbor where I was ecstatic to photo a life size Bumblebee. Then as random as our trip was going, we walked right into Rainbow Bay Festival, and I quote the "1st Taiwan International Queer Film Festival." Great right, but what was most shocking was the Harley Davidson Festival taking place, their entrances literally connected. Serge and I both agreed you would never see these two types of festivals anywhere near each other in our home countries.
Bubblebee! |

The DJ is inside the giant ball, beats were dropping,
& I don't think the solo man up front is sober. |
Finally to the 2014 Taichung Jazz Festival which ran from the 18th to the 26th. The opening night was also Head Teacher Mike's 30th birthday dinner, so the entire group went out for BBQ and drinks at Kanpai. A fairly pricey, long RSVP spot, with a great atmosphere and a huge encouragement for kissing.
Few of my Favs. Karl, Brittany, Serge, Kelly & I. |
Happy 30th T. Mike! |
Josilin, Brit, the waiter, Nina, Kelly & I |
I attended Jazz a total of four times, meeting up with lots of friends outside of Cornel and even getting to catch up with my Taiwanese friend Gina!!
Last day of Jazz! This is before music had started. |
Avengers, ASSEMBLE! Halloween 2014 |
Congrats to my cousin Ashley whose a new mama as of September 16th!
Also, Happy Birthday to my stunning little sister Michelle!
I miss you both & your little nuggets more than ever!
-- Thanks for reading. xox-K