December was many things, along with being the center of the holidays, this was the month I had been waiting for since summertime. It was the time for my ticket home. It was also the month I would get Lasik, something I never thought I would have the luxury of doing in my 20s, I also finally purchased a Canon camera. Something I should have invested in many, many moons ago considering I am always stopping to catch a photo of a person/place/object I find pleasantly placed, or I am interrupting a stranger's peace of mind by asking him to take a photo of me and/or me and my friend(s). Either way, it was about time I upgraded from the iPhone.
My sister Michelle, Fiance Rob and their tots, Dominic, Max, and Bella. Momma on the far right. |
Along with those two upgrades in my life, I would be coming back to Iowa, USA, America, Home, after 16 months (my longest stretch yet) for Christmas time. This meant the first time seeing my family on Christmas in four years(!), and the first time EVER spending a Christmas with my nephews!! I was taking three suitcases back with me, one and a half stuffed with gifts for everyone, another suitcase full of traveling memorabilia to store in my mom's basement, and the remaining space was used to pack sweaters I never thought would see a temperature below 50F/10C.
Jacob(2nd), Andy (2nd), Lauren (2nd), Josilin (3rd), Michael (2nd), Kristin (1st). |
Just before leaving, I debuted my new camera at a White Elephant Gift Exchange Party hosted in the 9th floor apartment. The party was a great time. Multiple games were going on, lots of Christmas tunes from the 90s, mystery presents were beginning to be picked and fought over. The decorations and donuts looking sweet and tasty, happy spirits and saucy drinks were all around. The top item fought over was a hanging wall clock with erotic positions placed on each hour of 12.

The day before had been the Kindy Christmas Party. This was the fourth Cornel Christmas Party I've been apart of. While I didn't have my own class to direct on stage this time, I felt excited to watch every class perform as I've been watching them grow all year long.
Then finally, on the 21st of December I left Taiwan for my 24 hours of door-to-door travel back to Omaha, Nebraska. Not knowing the first and only snow I would see of 2016 was during those few hours I was stuck in Chicago, I was thoroughly- and surprisingly- still energized until I landed at 1 in the morning. Just 7 hours after the expected arrival.
My sister picked me up in her SUV. It was noticeable right away I had not been on an interstate, or in a vehicle that wasn't a Double Decker bus, in quite some time. She was flying. |
I spent the first day back in the USA in my pajamas, drinking coffee, and.....working. That night however, we went to my mom's house in Council Bluffs where we spent the evening with her, Mike and a T-bone. I spent nearly all of my first week home between my sister's place and my mom's.
Christmas Day, Sunday, 2016 We enjoyed small stocking gifts and eachother's company. Dominic is holding a lizard I got him from Thailand. My mom loved the apron I got her from Singapore, she wore it all day, even fell asleep in it. |
Mom and I at Midnight Mass, 1st time for me. |
During that first week I met my sister's very-soon-to-be fiance for the first time, caught up on sleep, went to Midnight Mass at my mother's church, spent an evening with my newly wed cousin(s?), played some of the better games you can find in the mid-west- bowling, Mancala, and Cards Against Humanity-, and at the end of my first week I visited one of my closest and dearest friends whose family is like a second to me. Bailey Rae.
Bailey and Paul at Bailey's parents place in Glenwood, IA. |
Grandma Lamp and Uncle Brad doing what they do best. Now that I was a week in and just two short weeks to go, it was time to really get out there. I started with a day of shopping and gawking with my Grandma L. |
That evening my sister and I went toPizza King with everyone who is still around on my father's side. |
Cousins: Emma, Dominic and Link |
Spent the day with my favorite little man, Dominic. |
And ended the night with lots of laughs, photos, and rants with my Pinks.Hitting up The Session Room and pizza cones is becoming a tradition I'm highly fond of. |
Gift exchange with these sweets & of course the one-of-a-kind Mr. Feenie! |
I visited an old college friend and his ever growing family. Went to one of my favorite places to eat in the Old Market with my cousin, her hubby & my first cousin once removed, (but I just call him my second nephew) Kameron!
Since our family is so wide-spread, and well, divorced, we celebrated Christmas on the 31st of December, which my mom now says she will keep as her own family tradition.
Christmas was everything I wanted, minus the lack of snow-with my sister's fiance's own two kids there, the house was full of children's love and laughter. My mom was proud of her Christmas meal, Grandma was in good spirits, Brad and Julie made it, my sister was now engaged and my cousin happily married, so many young ones running wild. It is/was really great to see our family growing.
Bella in the aftermath of Christmas at Rob and Michelle's- family of five. |
My sweet and handsome little man dreaming on Christmas night. |
Too cute for his own good! Kameron is wearing my Christmas gift and loving it! |
I rang in the New Year with Britta, a best friend of mine who was 4 months pregnant at the time. She offered to chauffeur myself, her boyfriend and his friend around on this New Year's Night. We had some Blue Moons, and waited for the ball to drop 40 minutes West of Omaha.
New Year's Day was one of my top favorite days during my time home. Deric and Amy drove from Ames, Iowa for a lunch with Britta and I at Huhot. |
THEN I got to spend the evening with Katie, Allyssa, and both of their little families. The hours fly by when we get to talking. |
An annual dinner with girlfriends from high school took place. This time Courtney was able to make it. It was also the first time I saw snow in Iowa, a whole inch we had!I visited my cousin Jessica and her beaux Nick. We had a great time discussing life, love, and travel. -No Photo. |
Spent a day with Callie and her two babies. |
January 6th was Britta's birthday, we went bowling and had amazing pizza. |
Last night with the girls! |
The ladies I grew up with. Mama & Baby Sis Chelle
As the three week trip was winding down to my last few days, I spent it with those I love the most and got some necessary things taken care of. A last lunch with my mom and sister, shopping with my cousin Jessica for a few final American style deals, cut 8 inches off my hair, and spent one night out in CB on the 100 block, because you just have to hit the hometown bars when you're in your hometown.
On my last night in Iowa I stayed in with mama. I flew back to Taiwan on the 10th, landed the 11th and was back to work on the 12th.
I have the best time with you! |
When I landed in Tokyo on my trip back I got the news Brittany had been in a bad accident leaving her to need surgery. Therefor I would be going back to the USA, but first to Canada for the TORF and UNI Overseas Job Recruiting Fairs.
During my brief visit in Taiwan, I had one full week with the Koalas class and the following Tuesday, the 24th, Brittany and I were on our way back to the West. (Yes, I did just say she needed surgery.)

My Yoyoban Classroom and one of my favorites and I playing around with Snapchat puppies.
My Koalas practicing some emotions, at the top is angry.
Bottom left, surprised, and bottom right, sad. |
I'll keep this section quick and to the point - as it is a work matter and I can't reveal our secrets. However, it was ALSO my first time ever visiting our neighbors to the North in Canada!
Private jets girl, kidding, it sat 16!
Beautiful sunrise from our hotel room over Lake Ontario.Kingston, Ontario (not to be confused with Kingston, Jamaica) is adorable! Fun Fact: Kingstion is the prison capital of Canada!?! How did we not know this? |
First impression of Canada: The airports were super intense and impressively strict (maybe they feared us Americans would come to stay and not leave-Trump was elected president just days before). The airport staff - wildly diverse (Trump's travel ban happened after our first night in Canada, again, maybe this was why it seemed so prevalent.) No snow in Toronto in January? We have got to try Tim Horton's Coffee (it was amazing). We have got to try pontine (not a fan).
It's as easy as this. Get on board, USA!!!!!! |
The ice rink in front of (I assume) their city hall. We watched father and sons, couples, and pre-teens ice skate every morning from Morrison's windows. A small little tradition we got to be apart of for a few days. It seems everyone and their dad, literally, knows how to ice skate in Canada. It was so endearing. |
On our day around the town of Kingston, pushing Brittany in the Hotel's wheelchair, we stopped here for some info on the city, events, and a souvenir. Met a very friendly guy who lived across the lake at Thousand Island - where believe it or not the dressing came from. |
We ate at Morrison's every morning we could. Same meal, amazing every time! |
I love the brick roads and I love the old European style buildings of this city. I couldn't believe how well kept they are. The Delta Kingston Hotel, amazing! The food- beyond expectations, sushi! thai!? this is free?! (Oh, and the cheddar cheese at Morrison's Diner was to die for). The people-jolly and light-hearted and so many great educators! (The last part wasn't something new to me, I've already discovered the kind of people Canada produces living in Taiwan.) Overall, it was a great first trip to Canada and I hope I get to visit again someday! (Summertime was recommended countless times.)
Brittany and I at the TORF 2017 Recruiting Fair! The TORF recruiting fair was just one day, only 60 candidates in the categories we were looking for. The bigger fish was yet to come. |

Before we would need to bring out the real big worms, Brittany and I had a few days off in Chicago. I finally got to meet her family, the whole extended family at that, and I also got to spend time with a long-time-ago friend closer to the Chi-town. He took me gambling and we both came out ahead.
The place where actual dreams come true. |
We flew to Waterloo, Iowa for the UNI fair. A two day gig with hundreds of applicants in all categories. UNI is in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Some of you may know already that this is the university that I attended for my teaching certification. This is also the university with the largest overseas job recruiting fair in the USA, and the place where I got my first overseas job in 2013. Who knew I would be coming back 4 years later, and as a recruiter?!
Thoughts while in Iowa: Colder than Canada, but still missing the snow. "Never have I ever drank so much coffee in one day....Why am I saying this everyday?" The hotel, let's just say we were spoiled at the Delta, but at least there's a free shuttle to Target. "Welcome back to the nation of fast food and fake food." "How exciting to be back on my old campus! There's my old dorm!" "He was at TORF, was she at TORF? They were definitely at TORF." "We are the youngest people here." "Proud UNI Alumni!"
Most importantly though, there were so many talented, wonderful people to meet and network with at these fairs! It was so empowering and motivating to listen to other stories, connections, and travels through their years. It was great to be a part of such caring, committed, teacher communities at both UNI and Queens.
Two of my best friends got to meet as the Universe
somehow put us all in the same city on a cold January night. |
We had success throughout the two-week trip, but not nearly as much as sitting by the computer back in Taiwan waiting for emails, Skype interviews, and faxed contracts led to.
Nonetheless, we have over a dozen new, excited, young, certified teachers joining our Cornel family at the end of the June!
I was back in Taiwan for two working days before Lauren and I went to the Lantern Festival hosted in Pingxi every year at the end of Chinese New Year! This year landing on February 11.
Lauren and I |
We stayed right off of the famous Old Street in Jiufen, a 20-30 bus ride from Pingxi.
We stayed at a cozy little hostel called Flip Flip Hostel. On the first evening, Hostess Kate took us on a night tour which proved to be an impeccable time to walk the old streets. When we arrived back to the hostel, we warmed up by making taro balls with ginger soup and dove into the heated covers.
Making taro balls. |
After a lovely breakfast with tea made by Kate, we set off for Pingxi. We ate on arrival and walked about everywhere we could go. Stopping for small trinkets, sweets, photos opts, and finally choosing a place to pick the perfect colored combo lanterns for our Chinese New Year- Year of the Rooster wishes.
Making wishes with Lauren. My purple is for wisdom, her pink is for love. |
White is a wish for a bright future. |
Before leaving we enjoyed a delicious lunch with an even more mouth-watering view. |
Happy Valentine's Day! |
On the 15th I turned the big 2-8! I took a personal day and spent it with one of my favorite people in Taiwan. We spent the day playing pool and other arcade games, hit up an art street, and ended the day with the best pizza in Taichung. My real birthday celebration -my trip for myself- began that Sunday, the 20th, to Laos. It would be my first solo adventure.
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.” – Marie Beyon Ray |
Sending endless love to everyone who made my time in North America so unforgettable. Thanks for the continued support, it means everything to me! Shout out to my best friend/roommate/PiC- Brittany- You are all-star! Somehow this miraculous woman found it in her to still put a smile on her face, bite the bullet, fly across the world and hire 16 teachers all while awaiting a needed ACL surgery!! Our school would not survive without you!
Thanks for reading! - K
“It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures, new directions to grow in, and new lessons to learn – which is what life is all about.” – Oprah Winfrey |