Just as I had predicted, completing blogs weekly would only last for so long.
On the other hand, there is quite a lot to share.

After 11 weeks we finally received our ARC, Alien Resident Cards, which means we are now legal to live and work in Taiwan. We also have a bank account set up. Still waiting on health insurance. An abundance amount of patience is definitely a trait one must have to teach and travel. :)

The "old" teachers have returned from there two month visit back to their home states/countries. We all went to eat at a BBQ joint called Joe John's. Joe John's has to be some of the best food I've had here! They had broccoli, corn, green peppers, mushrooms wrapped in pork, another veggie similar to green beans also wrapped in pork all BBQ'd {very light BBQ :)}as cabobs. Sounds simple, but it was delicious! Then we tried some frozen mango at Costco, not even close to fresh mango. :( Till Next Season, Mango!

Finally made it back to the Jade Market. This is a market just for selling authentic jewelry, art, and sculptures by the Taiwanese. I have been wanting to return since my first week here. It seems to be the best place for souvenirs and gifts. As I finished bargaining for a jade ring I had my eyes on, I was persuaded by the same women to buy a chess set for 500NT ($15). Now it seems like a random purchase, however when she pulled it out to show me I had two great memories come into mind. When I was much, much younger I was taught how to play chess in my uncle's apartment in Denver. I also used to play house with the chess pieces at an even younger age. Along with the ring and chess set, I bought two bracelets and three pairs of earrings.

Three other great restaurants we've tried. KiKi: Thai Restuarant, a bit spicy for me, but it was very good. Le Blu Dor, which serves German beer and delicious food. And, Early Bird, which is a complete foreign joint, but when they play football on the t.v., serve a special on wings on Wednesday and Tequila on Tuesday's it stands to show they know what American's want. We ate there the night before Jodi and Erin left for the teaching adventure in China.

My walls are still pretty bare in my room, but I am very proud of my travel wall I decorated.
The BIGGEST news of all is I FINALLY started teaching MY 3rd grade class!!!! :-D First, I have to say I am blessed. My kids are so smart! Currently, I teach 16 students for three hours on Monday and another 4 for one hour after that. On Tuesday I teach the same 4 kids again for two hours. Wednesday I teach all 20 for three hours and after I teach a Grad Class. Thursday's I teach a Public Speaking class. Friday I only teach the Grad Class. This will most likely be changing again, but not by much. My teaching doesn't begin until 1:50 P.M. on Monday and Wednesday. 5 P.M. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Needless to say, I will need a day hobby. Although, as much free time as I seem to have I am actually enjoying spending many hours planning and prepping.

I have not taken any pictures of my students yet, nor my classroom because it is a work in progress. I am stoked to create my own classroom, my own behavior management system, my own rules, expectations, assignments, etc. We have four rules in my class; Courtesy, Always prepared, Respect, and Effort, acronym C.A.R.E. because my 3rd grade Stars CARE! This is something I am reinforcing daily with my Stars, by the end of the year they'll have reviewed, discussed, and practiced these rules so many times that they'll have no choice but to continue to apply them to their daily lives! Fingers crossed. They have individual goals, as well as a classroom reward of a party when their class jar is filled. I had the students vote on an attention getter, so when I say "Macaroni and Cheese," they say, "Everybody Freeze." It works amazingly. They got through the testing required in the first week of school and now we are getting into the real meat of the curriculum. Again, I've only been at it with them for three days, there is much more to come. I can not even think of the correct word to describe just how happy and perfect it feels when I am with these kids. As much as I loved my Summer Unicorn's and my Kindergarten Little Critter's, this is exactly where my talents can best be used and it excites me to such an extreme that it's just begun!
I'll end my rant.

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