I had an incredible Halloween weekend in Taiwan. From the ending of Jazz fest to homemade costumes, to dancing all night, and instructing the most adorable students how to make a 'pom pom monster,' it was a weekend to remember.

We celebrated Halloween October 26th. We had our own party, then pre-purchased tickets to one of the bigger costume parties in Taichung, at the Show Room. My roommate Kelly and I, along with our good friend Brittany made home-made costumes. We went as Taiwan Beer, all we used was an abundant amount of felt, safety pins, a headband, and an ashtray(for the bottle cap). The costumes all turned out pretty well. We entered into the contest, but sadly didn't even got 4th place and only the top 3 win a prize. We still danced on stage with the other winning contestants.

Early the following morning we had signed up for a ColorWalk (the Color Run was over booked). It was basically a giant walk around Taichung Park, aka Goat park. We were mauled with color and then mauled by, well the best word would be, paparazzi. Dozens of large, elite cameras were shoved at us, while we posed and smiled, and quite frankly enjoyed the crazy flattery of it all. Besides being covered in color and sweat I felt as if we were walking the red carpet. Even some families were asking us to take pictures with their kids.

The BEST part of the color walk was when we decided to go up near the music and the free water stand. Kelly sat on the ground, Britt shouts, "Let's do a rain dance around Kelly!" So the five or six of us still there start dancing and jumping around her while she begins her own seated dance, basically rolling her arms and upper body to the music. It became hilarious when about 15-20 large cameras and video cameras filmed us. The song ended and we struck a pose, which only added more cameras. It was surreal. 

Monday, October 28 we had our school Halloween. Due to all the variations of schedules, Monday is the only day every student meets with their English teacher. The first half of the day, the Yves (elementary) teachers each had a craft or game for the kindergarten classes to do. I chose the 'pom pom monsters.' The students actually had Styrofoam balls, then they glued eyes on and stuck in pipe cleaners for the hair, nose, and mouth. I had about 12 minutes with each of the 5 kindy classes, except for Kelly's Hungry Caterpillars. Following there was a costume contest for scariest and most creative.
In the afternoon, I did the same stations with my Stars and the rest of the Yves, grade 1-3. Late afternoon, my Evening Stars with Yves grade 4-6 played a dangerous balloon popping game. Balloons were rubber banded to everyone's feet, and after "ready, set, go" the last one standing with their balloon was the winner. We had enough balloons to play twice. Inside was candy and powder.

Later in the week we had out first earthquake since being in Taiwan. I happened to be in the elevator at the time so it was a little frightening, although I didn't know it was an earthquake at the time.
How is it November?! Over 4 months already, too many adventures, memories, laughs, and new friends to count. We were asked for the first time about resigning yesterday.
On Saturday, Angela and I went to the National Palace Museum in Taipei. I was very proud of us for getting to the bus station in Taichung to Taipei, Taipei to the MRT, MRT to city bus, then to the museum. The outside was gigantic and beautiful. Mostly a pale green and a pale orange color. The entire place was split into two exhibits. We only did the exhibit 1 which had all the Chinese historical artifacts we wanted to see. Exhibit 2 is for monthly featured art, such as 'Leonardo- Mona Lisa-The Myths.' It was raining so we did not get many photos outside and no photos were allowed inside. 

The museum had 3 floors. We got to see writings, pottery, painting, sculptures, weapons, instruments, wine vases, snuff bottles, and a new world art exhibit. Snuff bottles, when popular, contained ground up tobacco usually combined with a rose, grape, or plum blossom fragrance. The lid had a small spoon attached where they could snort it off of. In the new world art exhibit they had electronic images of art from different Asians countries and they would teach you to say hello in their language. Further inside, there was more art you could interact with. A vase that copied your style, a movement monitor to create art, and a video game style object you could add yourself into. Of course we did them all and had a great time.

Two of the teachers had birthday's the first weekend of November so we had a large party for them at Red Door. A "subdivision party." The girls set up a photo booth area with props that everyone added too. The Red Door gals decided it should be something that stays up all year!

I signed up for a half marathon that is just under 9 weeks away. Training has already begun.
Two visitors have made it to Taiwan. Amy's best friend Mikayla, and Katie's boyfriend Travis. Last night, I went to the dangerously awesome night market with Amy, Steph, and Mikayla. I say dangerous because even if you're a penny pincher, you'll buy something every time you go to a night market! There are over 100 night markets in Taiwan!!
This Saturday is bungee jumping! I CAN'T WAIT!
--Thanks for reading! - K
Happy 48th birthday to my Beautiful Mama!
**If you have not seen Monsters University yet, it is a must see. Do it!
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