
My two pèngyōus and I made one last adventure down to our favorite city Kaohsiung in the beginning of June. Celebrated Brittany's birthday and enjoyed the last few weeks with Kelly before her big move to Australia. Going to miss that crowd surfin, beer lovin', yoga queen. She has possibly the best laugh and loudest voice of anyone I know here. She will be greatly
The long weekend for the Dragon Boat Festival landed on my second anniversary of living in Taiwan! I was very fortunate to spend the long weekend on Lanyu (blue orchid) Island with Gina and Totto. We had to take an almost 3 hour boat ride to the island after getting to a Kenting, the southern most city of Taiwan.
DOUBLE Rainbow! |
Gina and the beautiful view! |
Goats! |
Husband and Wife Rock Formation.
One from the dozen of famous jagged rock formation on the island. |
We rented scooters, drove around the island more than once, and saw goats Everywhere! |
We cooled off in a well kept secret grotto on the island our first day! |
The flying fish is a huge symbol and a way of life for the people of Lanyu. In the elementary school on the island the children are taught how to properly cut open a fish. |
Saturday we did three different dives at different locations around the island. On the first we spotted a sea turtle! They seem to find me every time I dive!
It was the clearest water I have been diving in. The coral was huge, and we made it far enough out to where the coral just ended in a giant wall of coral and the deep blue sea continued. While slowly paddling through the floors and tunnels of the ocean, I saw the most colorful coral I've had yet to encounter, and many coral fish I hadn't remembered seeing before.
In our group, I had the least amount of dive experience, it was evident when my oxygen ran out much quicker than Gina's and Totto's. It's nice to know I have improvements to make and my future dives can be longer.

We had some of the best BBQ. We went cave exploring. Hiked to the top of the island at sunset.
Got Crabs? |
Since Gina had lived on the island for a month last summer, many of the people of Lanyu recognized her and welcomed us with open arms. We were invited to a dinner, taken into some underground houses ( help stay cool from the sun), and stopped at several different locations just for a drink or a chat. I bought a few souvenirs, and I am still so thankful to have the girls with me to plan, organize, and most importantly translate everything with me this weekend!

Over the next week, the new teachers arrived. Four new Americans and four new Canadians. A few of us picked up the newbies at their hotel and we took them to food street to share one of the best pizza places in Taichung and have some mango shaved ice!
Everyone joined in for pub quiz on the eve of Graduation Performances. That night we did the annual KTV (karaoke) welcoming/ bonding for the new and old T's, and the following morning we said our final goodbyes at the Farewell Brunch.
Lauren, Tyler, Josilin, and I at Pub Quiz! |
We made the Taiwan Newspaper with this performance and our wild costumes.
We danced to "Celebrate" by Kool and the Gang at the graduation ceremony. |
Saying good-bye to Rhonda and Kelly! |
Farewell Brunch and some of the wonderful Nan-Men Staff! |
With all the returning teachers back in America for the month of July, I used this month to really step up to the plate in teaching, moving, leading, and a little bit of hosting.
I moved from my 9th floor apartment into a two story, 19th floor apartment with Brittany! When I arrived to Taiwan, I had two suitcases and a backpack. Somehow over two years that has accumulated to two suitcases, two backpacks, and 4-5 boxes/bags. Not sure what happened.
The apartment needed quite a lot of cleaning, however I got the first floor spotless by week two in order to host a taco night for all the new T's. They were so appreciative and loved their first home cooked meal since arriving. I really enjoy this year's group of teachers. They're smart, happy, excited, kind, fun, and fresh.
The new girls and I went to Wonderland for food and,
as you can see, hundreds of game choices. |
The most exciting news of the month, of the year!! Is that I made the switch from teaching first and third grade to Daban Kindergarten. I could not be happier with my decision. Not only was I blessed with an amazing class of 8 (now 10) angels, I love getting to put all my focus into one class!
T. Jacklyn and I with our Pirates! |
The schedule is great, daily 830-430, the time I have to prepare, the opportunities I'll get this year with them, everything about Daban has made me believe this will be my best year yet.
Christy, Bella, Andy, and Ryder.
Doesn't get much cuter than this. |
We love Yoga Thursdays! |
Great listeners! :-) |
Quite the artists, too! |
Sunday Hot Pot Lunch for Gina's Birthday! |
Lego-mania continues. |
In a few short days I'll be on my way to the USA to spend some much needed and anticipated time home with family and close friends. Looking forward to the future, while living and loving everyday in the present.
As always, thanks for the support.
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